Our Core Values
Our Guiding Principles keep us focused on our purpose.
No centralized authority, ownership, or point of failure. There is no organization or company that owns data, users own their data and power the OPT network.
No Free Lunch
Basic Economics principle — There is no such thing as a free lunch. Your information and data is valuable to companies to market and sell to and you should get some of the revenue.
Full Consent
Data and your information should be tracked, stored, and shared with your consent and knowledge.
Easy and Simple
Technology is made to help improve our lives and not frustrate or make things more difficult. No complex explanations, setups or configurations is at our core. Simple, easy, effortless. Remove the friction and make it accessible for all.
Fully disclose what information is used, where funding comes from, costs, and data use.
Eliminate/Reduce security and fraud risks to build a fully trusted network.
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